Saturday, January 5, 2013

Why are you going?

Many have asked me why we have decided to walk The Way. There are many answers to that question. My husband and I had watched the movie The Way many times. We had put the trip on our bucket list and said that if we didn't make it as a couple, we wanted our ashes spread along the Camino. 
This year we talked, again, about going to Europe. Since we were married in Italy, we wanted to go back and celebrate over 1 decade of marriage. We hatched the idea to do part of the walk, along with a visit to other parts of Spain. You could say we had an epiphany.
Vic's ( Vittorio Eduardo Boltes) fathers' family is from Valencia Spain. We plan on exploring his family heritage as well during this trip.
If you know me, then you know that when I put my mind to something I usually get it done.
I am also a little OCD, and feel the need to research and explore things before I do them. Thus the Blog. It is my way (no pun intended) to set a goal, explore the history of Spain, and spend time contemplating my faith.
Pilgrims walk the Camino for many reasons. Some to seek penance, others enlightenment, and still others for a sense of adventure. Vic and I are still exploring our true reason for doing it.

The Camino, by its nature, serves as the ultimate metaphor for life. Footsteps along a well-trodden path may be our guide, but do not shield us from the questions that most of our busy everyday lives prevent us at times from fully recognizing. The road offers very little to hide behind. The process of life is life along whichever road, path, Camino, or Way we find ourselves on. Our humanity toward ourselves and others, our history and our future is what defines us. Take the journey of life. Buen Camino!  Martin Sheen

image titleCamino Quote

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